You are here: Stock Items > Stock Items in Idealpos > Previous Next and Search Navigation

Previous, Next and Search Navigation

When modifying a Stock Item, the top-right corner of the Modify Stock Item window will display an area containing the Previous, Next and Search functions:






The Previous/Next buttons will only be displayed when modifying a Stock Item.

If a new Stock Item is being created, these navigational buttons will be hidden.

Also note that the Stock Item Descriptions shown on the Previous/Next buttons are relative to the current Stock Item's position on the Stock Items grid.

If the Stock Items grid was filtered or sorted before the currently displayed item was opened for modification, that filter or sort order will influence the Stock Items shown on the Previous/Next Item buttons.



Pressing the <<< button will switch the Modify Stock Item window to the previous item.




Pressing the >>> button will switch the Modify Stock Item window to the next item.




The Search function can be used to switch to another item.

Click into the search field which appears between the <<< and >>> buttons, then enter a Stock Item Description to search.

A list of suggested items will appear as the search term is being entered.



Once the desired Stock Item appears in the list of suggested Stock Items, click on it.

Alternatively, a Stock Item's Stock Code, Scan Code or Alternate Code can be entered into the search field, followed by pressing the ENTER button,.

This will open the Stock Item for modification.



The Modify Stock Item window will display the selected Stock Item.



If the Previous/Next or Search functions are used to switch to another Stock Item and the current Stock Item contains any unsaved changed, the changes will be saved automatically and the Previous/Next or Searched item will be displayed.

If the unsaved changes include changes to the Descriptions of the item, the 'Update Button Captions, Kitchen Description, Menu Items and Supplier Links' prompt will be displayed.